Three Peaks Pest Control

in St. George, UT

Live Free Of Bugs & Other Pests Again!

Schedule An Inspection Today:

Which Pests Are Giving You A Headache?

We exterminate cockroaches, bees, mice, spiders and more from St. George to Cedar City.

carpenter ant near washington dc

Just Bugs Like Roaches, Ants & Spiders?

Bugs come in all shapes and sizes. Whether an insect like a cockroach or ant, an arachnid like a spider or other arthropods like centipedes, millipedes and more, Nest Pest Control can keep these from overtaking your home.

close up of bed bug

Pestered by Parasites Like Bed Bugs & Fleas?

If you have an infestation that causes you to wake up covered in itchy bites, you have a problem that you need to call Nest Pest Control in Washington to solve.

rat on dock waiting for exterminator washington dc

Dealing with Wildlife or Rodents?

Whether it is bats, raccoons, rats or mice, You don’t want to have wildlife in the house. We have a lot of ways to treat for these critters.

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Three Peaks Pest Control Is The Best Exterminator in St. George And We Have Your Back.

We Are Fast.

We strive to provide pest control to each of our customers as soon as they have availability.

We Are On-Time.

If you have a pest control appointment, we want to make sure you aren’t sitting around all day waiting for us. When we have a time scheduled, we’ll be there at that time!

You can talk to the owner

Kolby answers all the calls and has the knowledge and experience to answer your questions.

We Are Pest Control Experts

With years of experience and on-going training, our pest control experts stay experts and are ready to help you out!

Why You Need A St. George Pest Control Company

There are many types of pests in Washington County, UT. You have roaches and scorpions, spiders and mice, plus termites and more. Three Peaks Pest Control, in St. George, UT, has taken the time to become experts at exterminating or removing the dangerous and nuisance pests in the area.

We exterminate spiders, roaches & other household bugs

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We trap and exterminate mice eating your food and making a mess.

We remove birds from vents, rafters and other places they shouldn't be nesting.

We inspect for and eliminate termites, even here in the desert.

We have preventive maintenance plans.

We serve the community, both residential and commercial customers.

Don’t Delay, Call To Get A Pest Control Inspection Today!

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It!

We ask our customers to leave reviews, good and bad, so we can recognize what we do good and where to improve.

Three Peaks has been awesome to work with. Great knowledgeable technicians, always very thorough. Very responsive customer service.

McKenzie Allred

I cannot say enough good about Three Peaks Pest Control. I have now tried 3 different pest control companies, and Three Peaks by far exceeds the others I’ve worked with. A few reasons I am so impressed with Three Peaks Pest Control: (read More Online)

Haley Vanhille

Great experience with peak pest control. Keegan Edwards and Riley Wilden were very both very respectful salesmen and answered every question I had!

Caidan Cooper

Call Us Now
(435) 710-3639

A Little About Three Peaks Pest Control

in St. George, UT

james searching for bugs
Kolby Taylor founded Three Peaks Pest Control with a commitment to provide a better pest control service experience to his customers in Cedar City and St. George, Utah. A southern Utah native, Kolby began his pest control career in San Antonio, Texas. Then, determined to provide an even better experience near his home town, Kolby started his family-owned business. He acquired his Certified Applicators License from the state of Utah in the spring of 2020, and Three Peaks Pest Control has been providing effective and environmentally friendly pest control services to the people of Southern Utah ever since.

Our Pest Control Mission

Our mission at Three Peaks Pest Control is to provide excellent service and effective, environmentally friendly pest control solutions. With honesty, integrity, and professionalism at the core of our values, we strive to make the homes and businesses of Southern Utah pest-free environments.

Our Vision

Our vision at Three Peaks Pest Control is to be the leading provider of effective and environmentally friendly pest control solutions in Southern Utah.We want to start next with you and your pest control situation.

Got Some Pest Control Service Questions?

What Are Three Peaks Pest Control's Hours?

We want to provide excellent service so we are open during these hours:
Mon – Fri 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Saturday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
We are Closed on Sundays

Why Should We Use Three Peaks As Our Exterminator?

There are many reasons. But let us give you a couple so you can be sure you are getting a good pest control company.

  • We are licensed. Here is our license number: MD31209
  • We are insured
  • We are eperts at getting rid of all pest, but especially rodents.
  • Our prices are fair and our service is excellent.
How Soon Can You Come Out?
Depending on a few circumstances, we can get out there the same day. For instance, where are you located? (The closer to Saint George, UT the better) What service you need to have done? How many technicians called in sick that day. This availability issue is the hardest to predict, but we’re almost always available within 36 hours of your call.
Yes, we have been removing wildlife for years now. We remove birds and their nests from houses and ventilation systems, we control bats from roosting at your home and even remove snakes. Plus we are rodent control experts, regardless of whether they are mice, rats or even squirrels, though those are less of a problem out here.

We exterminate all insect, arachnid and other pests. The better question would be what bugs don’t we kill. In fact, the only insect we keep alive is the honeybee, though we do remove bee hives all the time. We exterminate wasps, cockroaches, ants, silverfish, bed bugs, fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and so much more.

Need An Incentive? How About A Coupon?

We want to make sure you are taken care of ASAP. But we can only do that if you call to book a time, now.

10% Off

New Customers Only

Ask About Our Other Maintenance Plans & Get A Discount

A Job We Do: Exterminate Cockroaches

Perhaps one of the most disgusting of all insects is the cockroach. We hate them because they crawl through their own fecal matter, and other animals’, too. They look gross and get into everything. Some even fly and that’s a whole other terror.

But Three Peaks is good at what we do. We eliminate the cockroach problem inside your home and keep them at bay in the yard or fence line. We will never be able to exterminate all of the cockroaches from your place, but we can definitely control where they are and diminish their population.

If you have a cockroach problem, you need to see where they are getting in your home and nesting. They seek damp areas, like sinks and bathrooms. And they want easy access to food. They eat just about anything, but regular food is preferred. So keep it in airtight containers.

After you’ve determined where they are, set bait traps and clean them out regularly. If you are still having a hard time, or just don’t want to deal with nasty bugs by yourself, call us. We’ll exterminate them for you and keep them away for as long as you keep your service

bed bugs on sofa near washington dc

We work all over Washington County, UT. From Santa Clara and Ivins, to Apple Valley. Of course, mostly we work in St. George, UT!

We Eliminate All Pests

Spider Control

Spiders, although helpful creatures outdoors, can be a nuisance or even a health threat to you and your little ones if they are indoors. Whether it is a widow, recluse or even common house spider, we can eliminate the problem and keep these arachnids from returning to live with you.

Mosquito Control

Don’t let mosquitoes and their diseases and irritating bites get to you this season! We offer mosquito fogging and other treatments to help control their populations around your home. With Washington being built on a swamp, you know they are everywhere!

Scheduled Maintenance Service

Don’t get caught with an infestation on your hands! If you schedule regular services with us, you can be protected from most pest infestations. Plus, if a special infestation happens, you get a discout! For instance, if you get regular insect maintenance and you see mice.

We Remove Bee Hives

We make sure that honeybees are removed and taken to be better used by local honey producers elsewhere. But if you have a wasp, hornet or other flying pest infestation, we will kill the insects and destroy the nest to keep your family safe from any harm these stinging bugs can do.

We Kill Roaches!

You’ve probably seen a cockroach before. They are also known as waterbugs or palmetto bugs. Whatever you call them, if you’ve seen one in your house, you should know there are hundreds, if not thousands more waiting to come out when the lights are out. Let us kill them all for you.

Wildlife Removal

Whether you have a problem with a raccoon, a squirrel or bird, we can get rid of the pestering animal. We will humanely capture it and release it in a better place for it to live (and way better for you, too!)

Bedbug Exterminators

Bed bugs are rampant in Washington, DC. They aren’t killed with regular old bug spray, either. They have to be hunted down, cooked, suffocated and then they might be gone. We are experts at killing these bugs and keeping them from coming back.

We Treat For Termites

Our tent-less termite treatment is something to wonder about, but you can have it too! Quick, easy and painless, this treatment keeps your house from being damaged by these bugs intent on eating all the wood in the area!

We Kill Rats & Mice

Mice love to find food crumbs in our homes. They love to live in the walls. We stop mice, rats and squirrels from getting in in the first place. We also catch mice and trap rats and other rodents that are already there.